
Monday, March 2, 2015

DJ Set I can't Ado Much About - Bebe Pouco"Beats da Staff Mix - Brincadeira"

Life can be a drag.

Mornings, afternoons, nights: an entire world is out there ripe for the taking.

But such an endeavor, surely, would require more energy than the average, non-chemically assisted person can muster. Kevin Gates, the author presumes, has his ways. And the worst has not even been mentioned. Far from occuring in isolation, fatigue returns again and again, pale and terrifying, like a ghost-child in some Guillermo del Toro boarding school nightmare.

And rather than use the allocated of space to promote any unGodly combination of guarana, taurine caffeine, and sugar, the following Bebe Poco mix will be plugged instead. Posted under Produtor Big Vado's account, the five-minute tracks serves as a sampler. Akin the similar efforts from TMP and Txiga - or even Bebe Poco's 2014 L.S mix -  it covers the DDPR crew's recent highlights.

The reasoning for the selection, simply enough, is that he energy level is maintained at a healthy dopio esspresso level. With brincadeira as a tag, the energetic expectations are set and surpassed. The majority of songs are batida. Although synth melodies are the common currency, traditional elements are heard as well. The occasional bassline captures the imagination, the brief trap/EDM portion is largely unexpected.

Of note, too, are the Bebe Poco's transitions; rarely repetitive, usually imaginative, and so smooth. Worth the listen and available for download

Notable Mention: Dj Willicox feat. Bebe Pouco "Vem me Durmir"

Further solidifying his jump to the Djs Di Puro Ritmo, a dupla appeared between Bebe Poco and WilliCox two weeks ago. Titled, "Vem me a durmir," the song below is done in an afro-house style. Both digital and analog drum samples are used. The transitions between the three sections - each separated by a chorus - are cheesy, but nothing out of the ordinary. Syncopation spots short of inflicting any real damage while the melody stirs sighs of redundancy, but the bassline is phatty and it's available to download. You win some, you lose some

- J.N.

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