

Editor-in-Chief: Holy Terror Robinson 
Contributing Editor: John Noggle

"First, the answer is no; that is not me in the picture above and I am not in charge.

"It is only under the auspices of the Editor-in-Chief that is project has been allowed to exist.

"Second, the project in question revolves around writing. The topic covered is primarily music. Neither I nor H. Terror Robinson is willing to guarantee much more. The material is shoddy and the quality is, at best, inconsistent. Any risks incurred as a result of continued exploration is the responsibility of each and every willing participant. Clinical trials were performed hastily and with limited guidance. That being said, side-effects incurred from prolonged exposure should be shared with administrators as soon as possible. It is for this exact reason, after all, that B-Side A-Hole exists: to hone a craft, to sharpen the wit, and to improve the quality of the words found within."

Do not hesitate to comment. 
Questions comments, questions, and concerns - as well as any submissions - can be sent to snogglemail [at] gmail [dot] com
- JN

P.S. The motivation for the site can be read about here. If the title seems confusing, the explanation for it can be found here. And following a resurgence of energy in June of 2014, B-Side A-Hole took on the appearance and personality it prominently flaunts today; the start of which occurred here.

A Noggle Brain Trust, LLP. website

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