
Tuesday, June 16, 2015


The covers of books must be judged.

Appearances must somehow be maintained.

Initial impressions do serve a purpose, after all. It imperative when meeting anyone named Juliet that one be able to decide whether she is of the east or west. Suns have set for lesser men and woman. Rachel, for now at least, will be recalled more closely with Spokane than 90s New York City. Shed the idealist shell. The interaction that matters is first contact. Utimately characters are not only welcome but are also meant to be judged. 

Granted, the beatmaker at hand is no stranger to these pages. Dj Mika has been featured on more than one occasion; more often than not in the supporting role of a funana cut. But the net is cast wide. While the man show a preference for traditional sounds his bias does not take away from more blatantly electronic numbers. Based on appearances alone, though, an accurate opinion of the Lisbon based, independent producer cannot be made. The name on display is a generic deejayMika93; nonetheless, the network of collaborators is strong (Mulatoh, EstraGaa, Big Vado). And still, a further contradiction is made: mastering can truly be a hit or miss affair.

Not to mention that what the above cannot change is that Mika content is important to watch out for.

The selection below is just the latest example. Decidedly afro-house, the "REMIX AFROGUETTO" is a mid-tempo to fast paced - a 130 BPM speed is shared - collection of songs that clocks-in at exactly fifteen minutes. A strong whiff of techno and house come off the mix. Syncopation is heavy but melodies are not aggressive; if anything appearing somewhat sparse. Both EDM synths and typical instruments are heard. In an tie backto disco origins, bass grooves regardless. Transition are smooth as songs are gently eased into a successful succession. The best quality the mix has, though, is the presence of exemplary talent. Tia Maria, CDM, Txiga, and a "Puxa Puxa Larama" remix.

Highlight shows are no replacement for viewing a live sporting event, but when necessary these shows can be quite useful.


A Noggle Brain Trust, LLP. website

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