
Friday, July 24, 2015

AleexProduções [Black Starz Dj's] - "AfroLatin"

Go build an island.

Oceans will not mind the construction.

After all, in this, the year of our lord, two thousand and fifteen, underwater escapades are bow a common occurrence. Not even the northernmost seas are immune to bipedal exploration. Look no further than Macondo: here, not even a colonel could stop the Earth from bleeding for a total of 87 days. Alas, the present is not a time for weeping. Celebrate that the seven seas are in the midst of a landform renaissance instead. For the first time in sixty-years the threat of bay crawling swine has ceased; which is to say that tensions have eased. In the mid-Atlantic, where hurricanes for, the United States and Cuba slowly continue to make-up (heretofore). And, as-per-usual, Europe is not one to be left out. Greeks are once again able stand on the sure footing of their ancient peninsula despite threats that the nation might just float-off into the Mediterranean. But no country has proven itself more innovative than China.

Then again, it was the Buddha that said "Make an island for yourself! Strive hard and become wise!"

No proof is offered on such a claim. The author has admittedly - and to be perfectly honest, with shameful amounts of pride - decided to base such notions on absolute speculation. A convenient narrative springs forth; and  at the return of Black Starz Dj's most prominent beatmaker nonetheless. For the first time in six months, Puto Alex has shared new music. Three new tracks have appeared in little over a week. No disappointment has thus been sussed out. In fact, all the relevant boxes have been checked on the producers' list of musical traits. A perseverant streak of the traditional is heard.  Percussion is rich. Melodies, if anything, recall techno. But Aleex's two most prominent profiles are shown; the single synth "PanicOo" is housier with a deep groove while "Fezadaa" is the more aggressive beat. Of note as well is the continuation of a giving human feelings to bongos. Such examples being: MeloO BongoOBongos Agresivos, and JaarDel's Bongos Confusos.

Most important, however, in measuring any beatmaker worth than judging an attempt at constructing a good melody.

Kizomba and zouk cuts serve as optimal opportunity. In short, Aleex is very good.

Titled, "Afro Latin," the track below does not deviate from what is stated above. The mid-tempo house song is on the quicker end where pace is concerned and is made of of three equally divided section. Somewhere between seven and ten different pieces of percussion are heard. Both instrumentation and accents on the beat are, it seems, relatively. latin Kick/Hi-hat generally provide the underlying rhythm while clap or djembe/bongo syncopate. In addition to the thick layer of bass, and ambient synth carries harmony while a single note synth the melody until the final section. Guitar is ultimately added to the instruments Aleex has used, most notably accordion.

Whether sandbar or island is none of the author's concern. Listening, though, is highly recommended.

Notable Mention: Wagner Teixeira - "Havaianas"

Similar accolades can be lauded upon accompanying artist

The fact that the name sounds not unlike unlike what a bad Brazilian pseudonym might to the author is a separate matter entirely.

Wagner Texeira is based out of Lisbon. Similar to Black Starz Dj's, the independent beatmaker follows in a purist vein. Drums are beaten a-plenty. Polyrhythms are the dancer's playground. With a still expanding canon, it seems as though faster tempos are favored and that Killer is a frequent collaborator. But what jumps out the most at any listener is the commanding snare drum.

The track below is no exception; and follows the island theme to boot. A  fast paced batida, "Havaianas," is carried by a kick/hihat beat and bell transitions. Techno predominantly shines through where genre is concerned. A single sound with an echo effect carries the melody while north of six drums play at any given time. Bass is heavy and grooves well. Finally, the song follows a typical intro-A-B-A pattern. What jumps , where structure is concerned, however, is the fat thirty two bar loop is the center of the song.

Aggressive sounds. Play cautiously


A Noggle Brain Trust, LLP. website

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